
GAFE regional conference on expanded polystyrene in the Caribbean, 17 and 18/11/2023

Single-use food containers made from expanded polystyrene have become part of our modern lifestyles and consumer habits. The negative impacts of these products on health, the environment, the economy, society and neighbourly relations between Caribbean countries are well established.

The territories approach the issue according to their means and their vision of development. Some have strictly banned it, others are in the process of banning it with appropriate strategies, while others have not yet mobilised against this scourge. The issue goes beyond borders; it concerns public authorities and citizens.

To this end, the Groupe d’Action Francophone pour l’Environnement is organising a regional conference on 17 and 18 november 2023 to encourage exchanges and synergies between the players involved, to pool strengths and knowledge, and to consider the most effective strategies for combating single-use food containers.

The conference will take place both face-to-face in Port-au-Prince and remotely. All online activities will be simultaneously translated into French, English and Spanish.

Julie Baptiste from REH will be speaking on this subject alongside a host of other fascinating speakers!

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