Groupe URD REH WREC project

HNPW 2023: Challenges of cooperation, mutualisation and consistency to address the ecological transition in the aid sector. 19 Apr 23 (13:00-14:30)

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Challenges of cooperation, mutualisation and consistency to address the ecological transition in the aid sector.

Faced with the climate crisis and the amount of work needed to work towards the ecological transition, this panel wishes to underline the potentialities and advantages of cooperation and mutualisation within the aid sector.

On the one hand, it wants to shine a light on the existing networks of NGOs that are working to render their practices more ecological (Réseau Environnement Humanitaire and WREC amongst others), underlining their work and inciting participants to join. On the other hand, it aims to underline the need for coherence and consistency within donors’ efforts to include the ecological transition in their policies.

This videoconference is co-organised by REH and the WREC Project (Environmental Sustainability in Humanitarian Logistics project), on 19 April from 15:00 to 16:30.

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