This training aims to give you a general understanding of issues related to the environment, and to provide you with knowledge and resources that will help you adapt your organisation’s acitivities to the ongoing environmental crisis.
The course is for any NGO worker who wishes to start his/her organisation’s journey towards sustainability.
This course is composed of four modules:
- Basics: concepts and definitions. The objective of this first module is to define common bases for the comprehension of the main concepts used in the training. Some external resources will also be provided in order to further explore certain concepts.
- The steps of environmental planning. The objective of the second module is to present the main phases of environmental planning in the strategy of an aid organisation. These phases are defined by existing literature on the topic, and are illustrated by examples from Terre des hommes’ experience.
- Taking stock: the carbon footprint. This third module details the different phases and presents the tools that are necessary for the calculation of the carbon footprint of an organisation, which is an important exercise to take stock and build a sustainability strategy.
- Assessing risks and environmental impact of projects. The fourth module introduces the notion of “environmental risk and impact assessment” of the programmes of an organisation, making it possible to better integrate aspects related to sustainability from the conception phase. Three examples of relevant tools to carry out these assessments (NEAT+, CEDRIG, REH Risk Matrix) are presented.
The course is based on the Terre des hommes Foundation’s experience and approach to environmental sustainability, which was developed following international standards and professional advice. However, Terre des hommes does not claim to present itself as an expert or authority in terms of environmental sustainability.