
“Ecology and the power to act” report, F3E, June 2024

Published on 21 June 2024

How and why should ecology and empowerment be linked when it comes to issues of solidarity in general and international solidarity in particular?

Ecology and the power to act aims to explore this issue for the F3E network. By giving the floor to contributors from 6 different countries, the F3E has sought to show a diversity of approaches, which have one thing in common: the link between ecological issues and social justice.

For over a year, the authors of the 9 articles in the book exchanged their points of view before starting to write. The comments of the other contributors have been preserved to show the links between the different positions.

The report concludes with recommendations drawn up by the participants in a day devoted to presenting these articles on 14 November 2023. They have also been enriched by the views of the contributors.

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