Joint Initiative (EEC)

Greening The Packaging of Core Relief Items – Lessons From Humanitarian Organizations, UNHCR case study, August 2023

Published on 21 August 2023

In its Operational Strategy for Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability 2022–2025 the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) commits, to improving the environmental sustainability of its end-to-end supply chain, as its core relief items (CRIs) represent collectively around 60 percent of the agency’s greenhouse gas emissions. By 2025, UNHCR is aiming to accomplish the following targets.
– An overall reduction of its emissions by 20 percent (including a 10 percent reduction in emissions from international freight)
– A reduction of 20 percent of the proportion of plastic in CRI packaging
– A 20 percent increase in the environmental sustainability of CRIs themselves (using recycled, recyclable, or sustainably sourced content)
Pour aTo achieve these targets, UNHCR is conducting a comprehensive review of its supply planning, technical specifications, and sourcing of CRIs. Because packaging is an area that has a high level of impact, efforts began here.

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