
Indicators for environmental mainstreaming at project and organisational level, Indikit

Published on 6 February 2024

You’ll find indicators that can help you measure the extent to which an organisation or project is integrating environmental protection. Indicators include:

Envrionmental mainstreaming in operations :

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Avoided in Operations
  • Resources Saved in Operations
  • Implementation of Environmental Mainstreaming Measures
  • Adoption of Environmental Protection Practices

Environmental mainstreaming in project activities

  • Amount of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Saved
  • Amount of Resources Saved
  • Use of Environmental Assessment Recommendations
  • Energy-Saving Measures
  • Water-Saving Measures
  • Fuel-Efficient Cooking Practices
  • Safe Solid Waste Disposal
  • Environmentally-Friendly Construction Materials and Methods

Capacities for environmental mainstreaming

  • Staff Understanding of Environmental Mainstreaming
  • Knowledge / Skills for Protecting Environment
  • Staff Trained on Environmental Mainstreaming

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