Campus Groupe AFD

MOOC “Energy and environmental transitions”, Campus Groupe AFD

Published on 28 May 2024

AFD has joined forces with the Ecole Normale Supérieure university and the Carbone 4 transformation consultancy to offer a MOOC (massive open online course) on environmental and energy transitions in developing countries. The aim of this training programme is to understand the specific challenges facing countries in the South and the roles to be played in overturning current economic, commercial, and political models to achieve an effective energy and environmental transition. Working alongside renowned experts such as Gaël Giraud and Alain Grandjean, participants will be able to apply the theoretical lessons learned to their own situations so that they can put in place concrete strategies and action plans for their territories.
Learning objectives

  • To be able to make the link between the energy transition and the environmental transition.
  • To understand the role of energy in the economy, economic development models, and financing issues. To learn to debate issues and advocate for the need to change the current situation and adopt new strategies and action plans.

This MOOC lasts 18 hours. It is recommended that you take two to three hours per week for six weeks. This course is available all year round.

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