
New voluntary environmental indicators from DG ECHO, December 2023

Published on 19 December 2023

New DG ECHO voluntary environmental indicators have been published in December 2023, aiming to facilitate the integration of the DG ECHO Minimum Environmental Recommendations and Requirements (MERs) in project proposals. The ECHO MERs include recommendations and requirements by sector (i.e., WASH, Health, Camp Management, etc.) as well as cross-cutting themes such as Supply Chain and Logistics. The MERs and the associated (voluntary) indicators for the minimum environmental requirements are expected to be addressed in any proposals submitted to DG ECHO for funds.

The shared document also contains additional indicators, which are not part of the indicators proposed by DG ECHO but which may be useful to stakeholders as a source of inspiration (they are indicated as ‘additional indicators’).

DG ECHO also accepts “custom” indicators which can be proposed by your organisation to best match the nature of their projects. For the time being, the aim is above all to have at least one indicator that takes account of the environment (either custom/specific or from the DG ECHO list shared in the document).

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