Action contre la faim

Presentation of the Results: Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2021, ACF, July 2024

Published on 23 July 2024

Now widely recognized, climate change is a reality that the entire world population is facing at various scales. In Action contre la Faim’s areas of intervention, populations are already among the most vulnerable and find themselves on the front line of a crisis they are not responsible for and which is increasingly deteriorating their living conditions.

Concerned with strengthening people’s ability to adapt to their degraded environment, Action contre la Faim – France also seeks to reduce its impact on the climate, and has committed to halving its greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint by 2030. This report provides an overview of the organization’s footprint in 2021, both for its head office and for its country offices. It represents an important cornerstone in the implementation of the organization’s environmental transition.

The “Presentation of the Results: Greenhouse Gas Inventory – Action contre la Faim – France” details results and proposes actions for reduction. It is part of the first phase, known as the diagnostic phase, of their environment and climate policy.

There exists a summary version of the report, and a complete version (which includes the methodology description).

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