
Reducing the climate footprint of NGOs – where do we stand? Results of the CCD survey, September 2023

Published on 15 September 2023

As part of the PAMOC4 project, Coordination Sud’s Climate and Development Commission (CCD) will be working over the next 3 years to build the capacity of French-speaking civil society to mobilise on climate issues, focusing on two complementary areas:

  • Organsations’ Environmental and Climate Responsibility (RECO)

How can NGOs reduce their impact on the environment and climate through their practices (air travel, purchasing, energy consumption, etc.)?

  • Climate Transition on the field around the world (TCM)

How can we help territories and communities to embark on low-carbon and resilient development trajectories?

To this end, the CCD plans to develop skills-building modules for French-speaking CSOs, and to organise events for CSOs to share experiences and build on each other’s strengths.

In order to better respond to the needs of CSOs on these issues, the CCD organised a survey in May 2023 on the needs and priorities of NGOs in terms of skills to be strengthened. The results of this survey were presented at a seminar on 14 September.

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