Across the humanitarian sector, organizations are developing capacity to take climate and environmental action. This guidance page offers two forms of support to organizations in their efforts to advance the Charter commitments.
Throughout 2025, the Charter Secretariat will publish a series of thematic guidance pages on this website to support capacity sharing on the commitments of the Charter. This platform aims to serve as a dynamic resource, providing easy access to tools, expertise, and case studies that help organizations integrate climate and environmental considerations into their programming. This platform aims to be an accessible, user-friendly, and updated resource that enables humanitarian organizations to connect to experts/tools as accessibly as possible.
These resources include tools, guides, training opportunities, working groups, communities of practices, technical experts, resource libraries and support desks, among many other forms of support. The expertise included on these pages were identified in a series of mapping initiatives funded by DG ECHO, which began in early 2021 (see Implementing the Charter, analysis and mapping of expertise available to signatories), supplemented with support by Groupe URD, and further developed as a dynamic database by the Charter Secretariat.
As these thematic pages are developed, you will see them appear in the buttons below. If you have any resources or expertise that you would like to share with the sector, please contact the secretariat at: