
SIF Environmental Policy, February 2023

Published on 1 February 2023

The climate and environmental emergency is a global emergency. It is already affecting all the world’s people and ecosystems, but the most vulnerable people, who have contributed the least to these disruptions, are the hardest hit. Without drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and ambitious measures to preserve and restore biodiversity, these crises will continue to have a major impact on humanitarian needs and the chances of vulnerable populations to improve their living conditions in the long term.
Aware of the fragility of our planet, the SIF takes into account the human impact on the environment and implements measures to limit it. It takes climate and environmental phenomena into account in its humanitarian and social programmes, with solutions that help people to adapt and become more resilient to the consequences of climate change.
The SIF’s environmental policy represents its institutional commitment to human development that respects the environment. Environmental protection is a priority for SIF, not only in its programmes and projects but also in its internal operations. The integration of the environmental approach into SIF’s actions and projects makes clear its increased commitment as a humanitarian player to environmental protection.
The policy therefore sets out SIF’s commitments and strategies for action and internal operations in terms of respect for the environment.

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