Terre des Hommes

Terre des Hommes Climate and Environmental Roadmap, July 2023

Published on 28 August 2023

The climate and environmental crisis is affecting people all over the world, especially children. The situation is only getting worse, and countries in the throes of conflict are among the hardest hit. For Terre des hommes, the climate crisis is a crisis of children’s rights. Climate change
has immediate and long-term consequences for all children’s rights. There is still time to act, but the window of opportunity to ensure a liveable and sustainable future for children and young people is closing fast.
Without stronger commitments to mitigation and adaptation, children themselves expect the situation to get worse in their lifetime and for future generations. Terre des hommes works for the rights and well-being of children and for those who will lead tomorrow’s world. This is why Terre des hommes must also care for their global source of life and their home – the planet. TdH is deeply committed to doing their part to help children, their families and communities suffering from climate change and environmental degradation.
In line with this ambition, TdH has adopted commitments and developed its roadmap to achieve their goals.

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