CHORD Fleet Forum

The Environmental Performance of Electric Vehicules VS. Internal Combustion Engine Vehicules, March 2023

Published on 18 April 2023

Humanitarian organisations are increasingly responding to disasters resulting from (or exacerbated by) global warming and environmental degradation. In addition to immediate aid, they are also often involved in development programmes to support regions in need in the longer term.
However, these activities are not without consequences, and the demand for life-saving humanitarian operations also contributes to climate change and environmental degradation. In line with the “do no harm” principle, humanitarian actors should take steps to mitigate their environmental footprint in their aid and development efforts.
In the commercial sector, the share of electric vehicles (EVs) is increasing as a means of reducing transport-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the potential of EVs to reduce the environmental impacts of humanitarian operations goes beyond carbon, and there are many other environmental dynamics at play. Do EVs have a lower environmental impact than internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles? Should humanitarian organisations increase the share of EVs in their operations?
We answer this question in the case study described in this report.

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