Joint Initiative (EEC)

Survey for the revision of JEU’s Environment in Humanitarian Action (EHA) course, JEU, 30/08/2024

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As part of the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) project on localising the environment in humanitarian action, in support of the SDC, and with the aim of improving the environment in humanitarian action training programme, we are carrying out a comprehensive needs assessment. This initiative aims to gather the views of professionals who, like you, are actively involved in humanitarian action and/or environmental management, including climate change and disaster risk reduction.
JEU invites you to take part in a short survey which is essential to identify current needs and expectations for training in the field. Your feedback will help us to develop their online EHA courses as well as a new face-to-face training programme. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete, and you will have until 30 August to respond.

You can access the survey here : Link to the EHA survey
Your responses will be treated confidentially and will help to improve their training programmes. If you have any questions, please contact Tina El Khoury at tina.elkhoury@un.org or Stern Kita at stern.kita@un.org.

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