#Training course
Groupe URD

Training course: “Reducing the environmental footprint of humanitarian response in Lebanon”, June 2022

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While humanitarian aid agencies are increasingly committed to reducing their environmental footprint and donors are bringing funding processes in line with greening agendas, field practitioners often feel insufficiently equipped to adapt global institutional objectives to their day-to-day operations and constraints, and initiate practical actions.

This training course will enable participants to gain knowledge and identify opportunities for reducing the environmental footprint of aid, and will give them the opportunity to develop and implement their action plan within two months of the training.

This training course – organised by Groupe URD in English – will take place from 13 to 15 June 2022 in Beirut (Lebanon).

Registration deadline : 2 June 2022

For more information and registration, see Groupe URD’s website: Training course “Integrating the environment into humanitarian projects” (in French)

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